Flat Rock, NC- Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site and the National Park Service will offer visitors an opportunity to visit all national parks fee-free and tour the Sandburg Home for free in 2020. On each of the following significant days of celebration or commemoration, all national parks will waive entrance fees, including house tour fees at the Sandburg Home:
- Monday, January 20 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Saturday, April 18 – First Day of National Park Week/ National Junior Ranger Day
- Tuesday, August 25 – National Park Service Birthday
- Saturday, September 26 – National Public Lands Day
- Wednesday, November 11 – Veterans Day
In addition to the national fee-free days, tours of the Sandburg Home are also free on the following days in 2020:
- Monday, January 6 – Carl Sandburg’s Birthday
- Saturday, April 11 – First Saturday of Local School Spring Break
- Saturday, June 13 – Sandburg’s Wedding Anniversary
- Saturday, October 17 – Park Anniversary
- Saturday, December 26 – Christmas Weekend